Voltron, Photographer of the Universe

Voltron Star Shooter by John Kratz
A photo by John Kratz. (Creative Commons-licensed.)

(See also.)

In Optimus Prime We Trust

Optimus Prime gets under your skin. [via]

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.

Toy links

Stacks on.
A Transformers photocomic by Goktimus Prime.

“Folks, these robots are hot.”
“These are the Transformers, one of the fastest-selling toys in America.” True over two decades ago and true today.

“Rebel chicks need not respond.”

Breaking the news.
The rehearsal before broaching a delicate subject.

1/18 scale vehicles.
Automat’s Microman-compatible model car and bikes. The Von Dutch custom bike looks awesome.

Got a cool toy-related link? Transmit it!

A Targetmaster without his gun

Hasbro Transformers Targetmasters Pointblank

Years and years ago, some Transfomers fan made the not-too-unreasonable suggestion that the Cybertronian wars were actually unnecessarily prolonged by the Targetmaster Nebulons. The Headmaster Transformers would definitely need their partners even in peace and the Powermasters would still need energy after the war … but someone who turned into a gun would be hardpressed to find gainful employment when the war ended.

Toy review roundup

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Marvel Legends Fantastic Four Ronan the Accuser Build-A-Figure. Excerpt: “… Ronan is a perfect choice for a Build-A-Figure: he’s not popular enough to deserve a spot in a series by himself, but it’s a character from the Marvel Universe that needs plastic representation.”

Michael Crawford reviews the DC Direct 13-inch Classic Batman figure. Excerpt: “… this is the best 13″ Deluxe figure I’ve bought … .”

Mike Chan reviews the Medicom Toy Real Action Heroes Jango Fett figure from the Star Wars: Attack of the Clones movie. Excerpt: “Faces are always tough, but I think they got this one on the money.”

yo go re reviews the McFarlane Toys Twisted Christmas Snowman figure. Excerpt: “What’s going on at McToys? It’s like someone over there finally realized that you don’t need to be gross to be scary!” (See also.)

Fred Meyer and Justin Bell review the Hasbro G.I. Joe Cobra Legions (part 2) set. Excerpt: “… for the price, 5 figures is a great bargain and I’d be hard-pressed to find something to complain about in terms of the value.”

Engineernerd reviews the Hasbro Star Wars Attack of the Clones Padme Amidala figure. Excerpt: “… she looks more like a guy in drag trying to be Padme than anything else.”

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Fisher-Price Planet Heroes Earth Ace figure. Excerpt: “… if you can expand your own collection beyond the boundaries of strictly action figures, you should have a look at it.”

BikerTrashWolf does a video review of the Hasbro Transformers Movie Voyager-class Ironhide (part 2) figure. Excerpt: “He’s got a Minicon port on each forearm so your big, tough robot can have two small sportscars on his wrists which makes perfect sense.”

Lionel reviews the 1985 Tomy Zoids Robo Strux Gordox kit. Excerpt: “… it is interesting to have …”

Adam Pawlus reviews the 2000 Hasbro Star Wars Power of the Jedi Han Solo Bespin Capture figure. Excerpt: “… it’s a great figure with a good sculpt, and just enough detail to prove Hasbro did a good job on this one.”

Toy links

Stikfas getting down.
A stop-motion video set to Wonder Girls‘ “Tell me“.

Glowing eyes for Transformers movie figures. [via]
Dare used nail decorations for these.

The Evolution of Terraphant.
“… a rich, complex story of Micronaut toy design and development!”

Agent 8.
A cool shot by pairadocs of the figure from McFarlane Toys’ Spawn Series 32.

i-SOBOT innards.
avalon wanted to know whether the firmware in the second batch of the Takara Tomy robots was written in ROM rather than flash memory like the first batch.