Fanmode faves

Fanmode presents a few hundred toy-related links every month and it’s possible a few may have slipped your attention. Here are ten of our favourites for August ’09.

Loved by good, feared by evil. [via]
Fanmode generally steers clear of toy-related links that make the rounds on major sites but this MeFi-linked Lego Voltron creation by Mark Sandlin was too brilliant to pass up. (See also.)

Musha Robo. [via]
A fantastic Gundam-ish Lego MOC that looks great and is articulated to boot.

Lego Assassin.
Keshen’s Lego reenactment of the Ninja Assassin trailer. (YouTube, 2:04.)

The Mercenaut.
A fantastic Micronauts fanmode by Argonaut X and some cool retro-style graphics to show it off. (See also: 1, 2, 3, 4.)

Tickled Pink.
For some reason, Stormtrooper cosplayers tend to gravitate towards the 501st Legion Vader’s Fist instead of the legendary 502nd Legion Hello Kitty’s Paw so this sixth-scale custom by Queenie will have to do.

Doug Williams’ Inhumanoids.
Impressive updates of Metlar, D’Compose, Tendril and Auger.

The Baroness.
What is it about the Baroness? What is it about a beautiful bad woman in skintight clothing that’s so appealing? It’s such a mystery. (See also.)

Retro Joe.
We hope Dave Perillo does other toy icons in his charming style. (Be sure to see his Cobra piece as well.)

The Ballad of G.I. Joe. [via]
“Cobra Commander loves 70s boogie …”

State of the hobby.
“… while adults support action figures’ long tail, kids still rule the action figure aisle. The slice of the collector dollar is still smaller than the kid demographic.”

Toy links

A classy Action Man portrait by Avanaut.

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Toy links

A fine eMills custom of the Image Comics character.

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Toy links

Cobra Commander Battle ArmourCobra Commander Battle Armour.
John Mallamas provides the head snake with some new armour.

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Toy links

Metal BorgMetal Borg.
In the distant future, all Assemble Borg fanmodes will be presented in video form with a screeching heavy metal soundtrack. (YouTube, 01:49)

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