Fanmode faves

Fanmode presents a few hundred toy-related links every month and it’s possible a few may have slipped your attention. Here are ten of our favourites for December ’08.

Feel the magic, hear the roar.
An ingenious fan-made trailer.

Black Ox.
Another nifty Patrick Boivin video.

Pandawa Lima.
It’s good to know there are customisers looking to the ancient epics for inspiration.

Guardians of the Galaxy.
Fantastic customs by loosecollector.

fastfreddie is producing some outstanding customs.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Daikaiju.

Mr. P.
A hauntingly familiar Mr. Potato Head.

Sweet Marble’s one-of-a-kind custom dolls are simply beautiful.

American Legothic.
Lego art inspired by the Grant Wood painting.

The Stick review roundup.
Ralph Gamelli suggests what it might be like if it was sold on

Toy links

Henshin, Assemble Borg.
A fan-made video.

Neo retro.
Scroll down for ankoku sousatsu tsurugi’s custom Microman Lady Command figures. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Suit up.
David Zavarella shows how to create a wire armature for the Kiguru Microman Jet Jaguar costume.

Power Loader ver. Heracles.
Scroll down to see Gullwing’s Busou Shinki fanmode combining Espadia and Lancamento parts.

We have no time for sorrows, Commander.
The sixth stage of grieving: ridicule.

Prime directive 5: look damn fine.
Part man. Part machine. All cool.

Who’s your daddy?
An amusing photo by s^n+ºrrºs+rº.

We didn’t plan on sleeping well tonight anyway.

DC Universe Classics quality control damage control. [via]
“We are actively working on improving the plastic quality of DCUC figures and our vendors have been asking for visuals of problems.”

Wrap rage.
“When did it become necessary to have a degree in engineering in order to get a child’s toy out of its box?”