Blogroll grows

Added the Lego art Flick group to the Lego section and The Dinosaur Toy Blog to the Blog section of the blogroll.

Superman versus Optimus Prime

Toys R Us @ Times Square - New York City by Nick Bowers
A Creative Commons-licensed photo by Nick Bowers.

In Optimus Prime We Trust

Hollywood Optimus Prime.
This is the best costume we’ve seen.

Shinkis love Optimus Prime.
(See also.)

Optimus Prime beats Geoge Washington. [via]
(See also.)

Optimus Prime is a kind of magic.

Optimus Prime gets under your skin.
(See also.)

Optimus Prime has a cardboard personality.

Optimus Prime has feet of clay.

Laa-Laa took the cancellation the hardest

la la hits the bottle again by BeccaG
A Creative Commons-licensed photo by BeccaG.

Toy links

Bukiborg fanmodes.
Kita082’s creations based on the Kabaya candy toys.

Prime versus Megatron.
A modern reenactment of that classic scene from the 1986 movie. (FLV format, 4.84MB. The direct link is here.)

Ultra Magnus has some issues to work out.
Role-playing aids the self-improvement process.

Where Toys Come From.
A fantastic article about toys and the toy industry from a 1986 issue of The Atlantic.

Really hot wheels.
“In November, Bonhams held an auction of one man’s lifetime collection of Matchbox models.” The winner “… paid well over $25,000 for the entire collection.”