Fanmode faves

Fanmode presents a few hundred toy-related links every month and it’s possible a few may have slipped your attention. Here are ten of our favourites for November ’08.

The Brick Testament.
“… an ongoing one-man labor of love, constructed and photographed entirely by The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith.” Simply astonishing.

Nice planet. We’ll take it!
Very cool customs inspired by Mars Attacks!

Baroness and Cover Girl.
It’s not unusual for Hasbro’s female G.I. Joe figures to resemble Bulgarian women wrestlers so it’s really nice to see these Fugazi customs.

An excellent Johnny Tang Lego MOC of the mecha from Megazone 23.

Engine Gattai Engine-Lego.
Fantastic combining MOCs inspired by the latest sentai series.

Henkei Henkei.
Transformers fanmodes — some cool, some goofy, all creative.


Zoids and Transformers would be such a natural fit it’s mindboggling Takara Tomy hasn’t attempted a crossover in the two years since the 2006 merger. (For bonus points, use the opportunity to reintroduce Diaclone pilots.)

One Year War.
A great start to what promises to be the definitive reference site for Bandai’s Mobile Suit in Action series.

Toys in 10 years.
Considering the great improvements in action figures — just compare ’98-vintage figures from the Big Two with their current offerings — there’s plenty to be excited about. We’re particularly looking forward to seeing today’s customisers step up from one-of-a-kind customs to low-run productions of original action figure designs with the aid of affordable 3D printers.