Toy review roundup

Jeff Parker reviews the Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece Series Rocky 1/6-scale figure from Rocky III. Excerpt: “… to your serious Rocky fans and collectors, and lets face it, that’s who it’s aimed at, he’s like manna from heaven …”

Michael Crawford reviews the Mezco Toyz Gomez (tan head and leather jacket version) San Diego Comic Con exclusive figure. Excerpt: “I brought at least two dozen different exclusives back from SDCC, and none of them have the overall cool of Gomez.”

Engineernerd reviews the Hasbro Star Wars The Legacy Collection Yarna D’al Gargan figure from Return of the Jedi. Excerpt: “The ampleness of her form causes the joints to be so deep and so obvious, that she looks like pieces stacked up instead of a flowing humanoid form.”

Artemis reviews the Mattel Speed Racer Sky Shooter, Trixie and Snake Oiler set. Excerpt: “Trixie comes packaged with some guy called Snake Oiler, who looks like the result of a Cobra trooper entering a Village People karaoke contest.”

Artemis reviews the Mezco Toyz Hellboy II: The Golden Army Liz Sherman 7-inch-scale figure. Excerpt: “Were it not for the gun hand and the loose ankles, this would be an excellent figure.” (See also.)

yo go re reviews the Hasbro Star Wars 30th Anniversary Collection Order 66 Tsui Choi and BARC Trooper Target exclusive two-pack from the Star Wars: Purge comic. Excerpt: “… both … are good figures, making this set definitely worth your money …” (See also.)

Artemis reviews the Hasbro Indiana Jones Marion Ravenwood figure from Raiders of the Lost Ark. Excerpt: “… the importance of Marion as one of the Indiana Jones heroines makes her worthwhile.” (See also.)

Artemis reviews the Hasbro Indiana Jones Irina Spalko figure from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Excerpt: “She’s not great shakes as a replica, but she’s a fine toy.” (See also.)

yo go re reviews the Marvel Toys Legendary Comic Book Heroes Conan the Barbarian and Wrarrl two-pack. Excerpt: “The Conan/Wrarrl two-pack is a great pair of figures, even taking Conan’s stuck shoulders into account.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the McFarlane Toys Halo 3 Campaign Master Chief (Series 1 version) figure. Excerpt: “The figure is well-designed, well-sculpted, well-painted, well-articulated, and overall well-made.” (See also.)

Artemis reviews the Hasbro Transformers AllSpark Power Jolt Wal-Mart exclusive figure. Excerpt: “Ignore the bells and whistles, leave it in altmode and forget about the generic-looking robot it turns into …”

EVA Unit 4A reviews the Hasbro Transformers Movie Premium Series Voyager class Ironhide figure. Excerpt: “A year after getting the original figure, I still have to dedicate a notable amount of brain power to transforming him each time!”

Retro reviews

Tom Prankerd reviews the Select Convertors Spies Cash figure. Excerpt: “If you can deal with a robot that turns into something other than a penis substitute, Cash is recommended without reservation.”