Toy review roundup

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Diamond Select Toys Star Trek Retro Cloth Andorian 8-inch figure. Excerpt: “… a very cool figure of a somewhat maligned, and much-too-ignored, race within the Star Trek universe …”

Jeff Parker reviews the Hot Toys Aliens vs Predator: Requiem Predator (Cleaner Kit version) 1/6-scale figure. Excerpt: “In an ideal world we might have gotten all these extra accessories first time round …”

Justin Bell reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Cobra Headhunters! (part 2) G.I. Joe Convention 2008 exclusive figures. Excerpt: “From the tooling to the characters to the paint apps, this set is yet another home run …” (See also.) [via]

Blitzwing reviews the Hasbro Transformers Animated Leader class Megatron and Bulkhead figures. Excerpt: “(Re: Megatron) This has to be one of the ‘must get’ figures for anyone buying into the Animated franchise.”

Michael Crawford reviews the Mattel Movie Masters The Dark Knight Scarecrow and Batman (Batman Begins version) figures. Excerpt: “When the two are next to each other on the shelf, there’s just something extra about the Scarecrow that makes him stand out for me.”

yo go re reviews the Mattel Movie Masters The Dark Knight Gotham City Thug figure. Excerpt: “He’d be better with some (useful) accessories instead of the evidence bag, but this is still a very good buy …”

Michael Crawford reviews the McFarlane Toys Halo 3 Campaign EVA Brute Stalker and Drone figures and Multiplayer Spartan Soldier EVA (brown version) Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive figure. Excerpt: “Who would have thought that McFarlane and NECA would be redefining articulation in action figures in 2008 …” (See also.)

Jeff Saylor reviews the McFarlane Toys Halo 3 Multiplayer Spartan Soldier CQB (red version), Spartan Soldier EVA (white version), Spartan Soldier Scout (tan version), Spartan Soldier EOD (olive version) figures and ODST (Steel version) Gamestop exclusive figure. Excerpt: “… I am very disappointed with the distracting weapon errors.” (See also.)

Michael Klein reviews the Mezco Toyz Heroes Hiro Nakamura and Sylar figures, and Peter Petrelli (invisible version) Wizard World exclusive figure. Excerpt: “… the Heroes line isn’t perfect by any means, but as a fan of the show, I am more than happy with the results of the series so far.” (See also.)

EVA Unit 4A reviews the Bandai Go-Onger Engine Gattai Series Engine Carrigator toy. Excerpt: “The personality expressed in the series by the character certainly carries over into the toy.” (See also.)

Poe Ghostal reviews the NECA Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael carded figures. Excerpt: “Once in a while you come across a toy that’s the equivalent of a blockbuster film …” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Mattel DC Super Heroes Justice League Unlimited Green Arrow, Supergirl and Ultra-Humanite three-pack. Excerpt: “I really hate to be so critical of a figure from an action figure line I like … but Supergirl could’ve been a good bit better.”

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Fisher-Price Planet Heroes Jupiter Gustus figure. Excerpt: “… the planet Jupiter deserves better.”

Dfenz reviews the Lego Star Wars 7673 Magna Guard Starfighter set. Excerpt: “I could imagine myself getting another one or two of these if the price was right.”

mutley777 reviews the Lego Star Wars 7674 V-19 Torrent set. “At £50 it is not cheap but i think it is just worth it.” [via]

metalandi reviews the Lego City 4210 Coast Guard Platform set. Excerpt: “All in all for me this is besides the police station THE city set of this year.”

Retro reviews

WIKD reviews the Tomy Zoids Storm Sworder Jet Toy’s Dream Project exclusive kit. Excerpt: “Storm Sworder is worth adding to any collection, and the limited version makes a nice variation and/or excuse to have more than one.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Bandai Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Alien Rangers Red Alien Ranger, White Alien Ranger, Yellow Alien Ranger, Blue Alien Ranger and Black Alien Ranger figures. Excerpt: “I decided to provide this Flashback review, in the hopes of giving these near-forgotten (even by Bandai, it seems) Power Rangers their due.”

Mike reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Sub Viper figure from the Wave Crusher set. Excerpt: “… one of the few examples of how a horridly colored figure from the ’90’s can be made into something great with just a little effort.” (See also.)

Thomas Wheeler reviews the Hasbro G.I. Joe Hit & Run, Iron Grenadiers and Hydro-Viper figures. Excerpt: “(Re: Iron Grenadier) Why is it that the bad guys, even the most basic ones, get the coolest uniforms?” (See also: 1, 2, 3.)