This is Modulok

Mattel He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Modulok
Modulok could kick Will Wright‘s ass with one arm and two legs tied behind his back.

Evil beast of a thousand bodies

This is Modulok.
“His figure was an instant hit with buyers due to its unique nature. The figure came packaged in a cardboard case, its 22 pieces encased in a plastic bag within.”

Matt Caracappa’s paean to Modulok.
“Modulok was a He-Man figure, no doubt, but there’d never been one quite like him. In fact, there wasn’t a single toy on the planet quite like Modulok.” (See also.)

The Modulok ad.
“Mo … du … lok, Modulokmodulokmodulokmodulok …”

The Treachery of Modulok.
The mini-comic included with the figure.

Modulok’s TV career.
“Right from his first appearance in He-Man, Modulok had always been a very individual villain… ”

Modulok in action.
Stop-motion animation by MadsKaizer.

Modulok ver. 2003.
Chris Edwards’ redesign was part of a toy proposal submitted to the Four Horsemen.

Modulok ver. 2004.
Fan-art by J-Sun.

Modulok ver. 2004.
Fan-art by Andrew Cramer.

Modulok ver. 2006.
A fantastic custom figure by Gary based on his redesign.

This is Modulok

Mattel He-Man and the Masters of the Universe Modulok
Modulok is a scientist.

Modulok invented spam.

Modulok is an evil scientist.

Toy links

What’s this?
More brilliant stop-motion videos from Plamoo.

10 worst Batman toys.
“… toymakers have long resorted to wild, weird and insultingly awful specialty Batmen that even as kids we knew were a bad idea.”

Always in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Subway John McClane 1/6-scale figure has a phenomenal head sculpt.

The first Japan Toy Association awards.
“Picking up the Trendy Award was Bandai Corp.’s Mugen ni Dekiru Series, toys that allow people to squeeze a toy pea pod endlessly to enjoy the sensation.” Wha-…?

About Legoland.
“… construction throughout the park uses more than 35 million bricks, which are glued together and coated with a UV-resistant finish to battle fading from the sun.”