Japanese toy review roundup

The following reviews are in Japanese but they include a generous amount of photos so they’re well worth checking out.

Transformers Baka Ichidai goes radio-ga-ga with reviews of the Convoy iPod dock and speakers (part 2), G1 Soundwave, reissue Soundwave, Soundwave MP3 player, G1 Broadcast (part 2), Fast Action Battlers Frenzy and Real Gear Robots Booster X-10.

Gamu reviews the Kaiyodo Revoltech Strike Valkyrie VF-1S Roy Fokker (movie version) figure.

Silencer reviews the Transformers Sports Label Nike Convoy sneaker-robot.

Ken-o reviews the Maito Cykons Grip transformable motorcycle. It’s a little small for Microman figures but it does work as a Microman mecha.

Ganhoo reviews the CM’s Corporation Brave Gohkin Gyakuten-oh figure. Parts 2 and 3.

Ganhoo also reviews the Bandai Machine Robo Mugenbine Mach Ptera figure from 2005.