Strike a pose 18/52

Takara Tomy Action Hero Pro: Strike a pose
Kawaii desu ne?

Okay, maybe not. Some poses are definitely culture- and gender-specific.


12 days old and we’re already cool and awesome. Thanks for the kind words!


Jin Saotome’s Dangerous Toys.
There are some brilliant customs here. Favourites: Master Chief, Prowl. We really like the guides and tutorials, too.

Krafty Werks Marvel Legends customs.
We’re delighted to see customs of second-tier Marvel heroes like Shang Chi.

Paul’s custom Famous Covers.
Custom figures based on Toy Biz’s Mego-inspired line. (Favourite.)

It’s Rick James, b-…
Matt Cruley’s Rick James (ver. Dave Chapelle) custom. As seen in ToyFare.