Toy links

Borg Creature Creator.
Shikku did fantastically well with these animal-inspired Assemble Borg fanmodes. (Click on the photo for a better look.)

Michael Accardi’s Autobot X.
“… custom built with the parts of about 100 ‘junker’ transformers and other robotic toys. He has over 50 points of articulation/moving parts.” (More.)

Venomosaurus Rex.
“… a T-Rex possessed by the Venom symbiote as seen recently in Wolverine #71.”

Leon Arseneau’s Juggernaut.
“… a Maestro body with Grey Hulk arms and a Juggernaut head and apoxie sculpt.”

A fine custom by da man.

This is for the fallen.
My Little Auron.

“… a retro icon set that was designed by Helen Gkizi and released with Smashing Magazine for its readers.”

The Alternators Body Shop. [via]
“This tutorial is for basic spray paint techniques using an auto primer and hobby/hardware enamels – just the basics.”