Toy links

Prime Module.
Transformers Henkei Convoy gets a custom trailer and a transforming Roller. (Click on the images for a better look.)

This neat frenzy_rumble custom features clever use of magnets to facilitate the battle mode helmet. (More.)

Assemble Titan Thunder Blade.
A super robot Assemble Borg fanmode consisting of parts from Mr. Assemble, Baron and Cyber and three Barrels Speeder sets. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Felix the Cat.
A Lego MOC by Johnny Tang.

Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan.
An anime-inspired Busou Shinki creation by Gullwing.

Organic toys a little too organic.
“Debbie Fitzgerald discovered an infestation of worms in the pet toy after purchasing the item from a Meijer store.”