Toy links

Do you remember love?
Tamaki’s Little Treasure updates with digiramas based on Macross Frontier.

monsterforge was inspired by Ralph Bakshi’s Fire and Ice.

Soldier Regan.
Misodrill used the Microman Shishioh Guy figure as a base for this custom.

Jarknoid Grave, Jarknoid Onyx, Jarknoid Balrog.
Vintage’s custom combinations of Revoltech and Assemble Borg figures.

Cobra-a-a-a! [via]
“Revisiting my costume for Halloween 2008 … I was inspired after seeing the 12″ figure by Sideshow Collectibles.” (More.)

Matt Doughty interviewed. [via]
“I want people to be creative and restore the genuine feeling of happiness that playing with simple toy can bring.”