Toy links

“I’ve always loved this character, ever since I was young, and I just had to make one that was more articulated than the original toys that where produced by playmates.”

Start up.
A chibi-style Kamen Rider Faiz (Accel Form) Lego MOC by Moko. (Check out the rest of his Kamen Rider Lego MOCs.)

“A kitbash of Microman Military Force, BJPM Gene Block parts and a McFarlane Toys Phantom of the Opera mask.”

Everything is fodder.
(See also.)

The Blythe Before Christmas.
By Faustoy Gretchen.

To the Mothmobile!
“The wheels are even unique all the way down to their Mothcaps.”

My Little Emperor.
A custom based on a Final Fantasy XII character.

G.I. Joe bad for body image.
“There was a time when the G.I. Joes had relatively normal, healthy bodies, but now they are unrealistically muscular, teaching men early about a warped image of masculinity.” Cut down on those pork chop sandwiches and work on your swivel-arm battle grip.