Toy links

Odette and Odile.
Outstanding Busou Shinki customs by Amber. (Click on the images for a better look.)

This fine transforming Microman ride by Kaboflower apparently has PET bottle covers for wheels.

Rescue Commandos.
ankoku sousatsu tsurugi’s updates of Microman Rescue Team designs. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Sniping’s a good job, mate.
A photo by Josky_TW. (More.)

“Do you want me to <bleep> go trash your lights?”
Uploaded by Shaun Wong.

Machine Men comics.
“… inarguably the greatest cliff-hanger any comic has ended on…”

Even in outer space … tentacles.

Lost and found.
“Thanks to the efforts of a bankruptcy judge in Delaware, Renee Hearne got her $150 doll back Wednesday after it disappeared as part of a roughly $106 million Internet toy-company bankruptcy.”