Toy links

Zero to Hero.
A clever piece of typographic art by Jeffrey Wallace.

Thumper and trooper.
Cool Stikfas customs by hemish71.

Henkei Cyclonus.
A fantastic Transformers repaint by Sabrina Ng. (Check her Flickr photostream more Henkei repaints.)

Enter the dragon.
Another fine Assemble Borg fanmode by Mr. P. (Click on the image for a better look.)

Les Mort 13.
A fine portrait by Tatsuru.

I see red people.
A photo by Ed Speir IV.

“… a showcase of toys and comics I’ve accumulated since I started collecting.”

Baghdad Barbie.
“(Priscilla Bracks’) exhibition Making the Empire Cross uses action dolls, bold computer animation and holograms to convey her observations of popular culture and its effect on society. Her use of dolls initially was a reaction to the increasing prevalence of militaristic toys.”