Toy links

Wheelie say “Yo Joe” today.
Another cool custom by Dr. Vile. (Click on the images for a better look.)

Tech Weapons Specialist.
A custom Stikfas figure with neat accessories.

Assemble Kaiju.
Scroll down for a creative Assemble Borg fanmode. (Click on the image for a better look.)

misodrill combined the Transformer and the Assemble Borg Barrels Speeder toys together with amusing results.

Yotsuba & … Yotsuba.
plastic_dollz’s custom plastic Dal.

A fantastic macro photo by pairadocs of the McFarlane Toys Interlink 6 combiner.

Tonight on Oprah.
A touching reunion courtesy of Stanford.

Chemical warfare.
“The Pentagon today announced the creation of a new toxic toy division that will begin immediate operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Tom Seaton’s Toy Town Antiques.
“I’ve got toys here that are 100 years old … Old toys are hard to come by, but they’re so unique.”

Toy movie story.
“The 2007 success of Transformers, starring Megan Fox and Shia LaBeouf, opened studio executives’ eyes to the power of the children’s toys and games.”