Toy links

You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Mos Eisley?

Glowing Molga.
Another fantastic blacklit Zoids photo by greefus groinks.

Hey, Freckles.
A great shot by Edward Lee of the McFarlane Toys Sawyer figure.

Scarlett, Lady Jaye and Cover Girl.
CG art by Dennis A. Smith using Poser 6 and Photoshop.

Lego interpretations of the classic Cobra tank. (Check out verycherry’s Cobra Lego mini-figs, too.)

Defending the Kingdom.
An incredible Lego diorama. (More.)

“Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play?”
Omic5 previews your nightmare tonight.

From G.I. Joe to Almighty Heroes.
“There are 2 billion Christians in the world. ‘Donald Levine, being in the marketing business, likes a niche market like that,’ said Levine, who is Jewish.”