Toy links

Tell Lara I love her.
A cool Stikfas custom by Phil Ashby of the ABC Warriors character Mongrol.

Fanmodes made from Kabaya’s line of interchangeable trading figures.

G.I. Joe convention recap. [via]
“… the Joefans in attendance got the opportunity to take part in something pretty special… G4 Television’s COBRA Commander campaign for President in 2008!”

Tyco’s Incredible Crash Dummies.
“The endearing dummies had an unlikely birthplace-the U.S. Department of Transportation … (Tyco) found that the DOT’s female character, Darlene, didn’t play well with little boys, who cringed at the notion of cracking up a girl. So Darlene became Daryl. ‘He still has a strangely shaped chest …'” A Newsweek article from 1992.

My Little Tattoo.