Toy links

Kaiyodo Revoltech AssembleBorg figures previewed.
Taoo takes a thorough look at sample figures of Mr. Assemble, Baron and Cyber which he won. The frequently delayed AssembleBorg line is due to be released this December.

Onua drill tank.
A fantastic transforming Lego Bionicle MOC by kawazu1120. (More.)

Transformers Baka Ichidai’s fanmode combines the Transformers Galaxy Force Liger Jack and the GaoMachines from the DX GaoGaiGar set.

Groundmaster Hyper Alan.
Misodrill’s Microman Masterforce fanmode.

Optimus Magnus.
Transformers Animated Optimus Prime gets a fanmode trailer in the form of Micron Legend Ultra Magnus which also transforms into a command chair. (Click on the thumbnail for a closer look.)

Kamen Rider Kiva DoGaBaKi Form.
Shishioh shows how to reproduce the DoGaBaKi Form with Souchaku Henshin figures.

Yamato GN-U YF-19 modded.
Damien Sancho shows how he improved the articulation of the figure and approximated the pinpoint barrier system with jewellery stickers.

3Rs and toys.
“Can the rising price of gas discourage the production of collectors’ action figures and other toys?”

Grover Miller’s wooden toy masterpieces.
”You could sell them for a fortune … I don’t need [the money]. Giving them away is more fun than selling them.”

Toys for the elderly.
“Japan is the first developed country to register more annual deaths than births and the elderly will outnumber children two to one within five years … ‘The (toy) industry is addressing the problem by widening its target age. The idea is toys aren’t just for kids.'”