Toy links

Sonic Diver Rei-jin.
Scroll down for typically awesome digirama by Tamaki’s Little Treasure.

Fortress Maximus.
A terrific Transformers custom by Corvus.

Downtown Action Brown.
“… one baaaaaadass mammajamma!” (More.)

Strarf on graph.
A striking shot of a Busou Shinki Strarf figure by Don Solo.

Vroom vroom.
A nice photo by ANVRecife.

Iron Man Mark 1.
Oh wait, sorry … this is Iron Man Mark 1.

Tiger the Great.
A Microman custom figure of the villain from Tiger Mask.

Attack of the 50-foot Janitor.
A diorama by Leo Lau.

Political figures.
“Our competitor isn’t offering the fundamental change that purchasers of mass-produced, candidate-related toys are seeking in this presidential election.”

Pixar’s toy stories.
“Toy love–the child’s belief that a piece of cloth or a machine can have life, feelings, personality–is at the heart of many Pixar movies …”