Toy links

Lego Cosmo Crusher, Gaia and God Mars.
More fantastic MOCs by Johnny Tang.

Arthur the Pharaoh.
Combiners constructed from the Mugenbine combiners MugenArthur and MugenPharaoh.

Ruh roh!
A Scooby Doo Stikfas custom by Sabermaker.

Thom Zahler on toys.
“I think it’s natural for people who create comics, or people who want to, to be drawn to the comics toys. When you’re a kid, they’re not just toys, they’re the things that you use to tell your own stories when the comics end.”

Lego answers your questions.
“As your parents probably told you when you were young, there are some things that shouldn’t be eaten. Lego bricks are one of them. Please keep them away from your mouth.”

Robo Force.
“To go up against Transformers, with all the play value those things had, [Robo Force] just looked very much like a previous-generation type of a product.” (See also.)

An excellent digirama by Hock starring the Hot Toys James Dean 1/6-scale figure. (Related.)

Cops and Cons.
Shaun Wong’s 1/6 figures are having a showdown.

Empire’s Cutest versus galaxy’s deadliest.
(See also.)

Custom costumes.
“Create a form-fitting costume for your action figure with Vince Callaghan of Project: Custom.”