Toy links

Lady Roses Coral. [via]
An extraordinary Microman-scale transforming robot garage kit costing 12,000 yen. (More.)

The secret of the Ark.
Don’t look directly at this amusing photo by Decepticreep. If your face starts to melt, please consult a physician immediately.

You’re already dead.
A very cool photo by kenmoo of the Medicom Kenshiro figure. (More.)

Iron Man versus Batman # 3.
“A guy gets to live a hedonistic lifestyle until the age of 43, builds himself a giant toy to feel better about himself and then fights crime all in the name of … his name. Yeah, that has hero written all over it.”

Bumblebee gets a little too Hollywood.
Courtesy of LeFreaks.

Papercraft of the Medabots robot.