Toy links

Iron Man versus Batman. [via]
“Is there room enough this summer for two billionaire playboy superheroes with gadgets, women, a sidekick and a loyal butler?” (See also.)

Ghosts episode 10. [via]
Justin Bell’s G.I. Joe photocomic continues.

Custom Souchaku Henshin Den-O Climax Form.
Ebi used a Souchaku Henshin Den-O Sword Form figure and parts from Den-O Climax Form PVC figures for this.

Sweet Dreams.
Revoltech Pocco composited with the cover of Shunya Yamashita’s art book. (See also.)

It’s a dirty job.
And it’s going to take forever.

It’s a Lego world.
An MOC by maskatron.

Flower Walker Daisy.
“Listen you gardeners, either take care of your plants this year or they are going to do something about it!”