Toy links

Battle Convoy.
An extraordinary fanmode improbably combining the Transformers Classics Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Mirage, Jetfire, Bumblebee and Hot Rod figures. (Click on the image for a slightly-larger version.)

Repulsive Amor Iron Man.
“Oh man, Tony Stark has hit the liquor again!”

Send in the clones.
The Imperial Stormtroopers, in addition to being trained shock troops, are equally adept at providing entertainment for the whole family.

Alien versus Predator.
Ed Speir IV’s fine depiction of two NECA figures facing off.

Casualties in the toy fad war.
“In the hands of demanding children and eager-to-please parents, many toys have been relegated to fad status: intensely desired, then discarded and quickly forgotten.” (Related.)