Toy links

Creating a muzzle flash for your toy weapons.
A tutorial for customizers by tom servo.

Utah raptor.
A Dinosaur-y Lego MOC by IPB.

Space Cowboy.
A Stikfas custom by Zook74.

Off with their heads.
Somewhere out there in the cold misty night are a few dozen headless Pinky figures roaming around. Pleasant dreams.

Green eyed.
An excellent photo of a Migidoll Ryu.

Gabriel Lone Ranger 1976 catalogue.
“All joints bend and turn to allow multi-position play as figures are posed in action situations.”

The toy designer from MIT.
“A great toy is something that you always have out on the desk. It’s something you can’t wait to show the next person who walks into the room …”

About that quintessential American doll.
“… Barbie – the All-American doll- was born in Tokyo because it would cost a fortune to manufacture a doll with such detail anywhere else.”

Top Secret: Mission Toy.
“Anytime you make something you’re more powerful than you were …”

10 Star Wars toys that resemble celebrities. [via]