Toy links

Chibi robo.
A very creative Galatt-inspired fanmode for the Transformers Movie Deluxe Dropkick figure.

Skeletor custom.
Mundo used an X-Men Classics Iceman to provide Skeletor with additional joints.

Galaxy Defender Jetfire.
chinshiong’s fine repaint of the Happywell Galaxy Defender knockoff of the classic Tatatoku Macross Valkyrie.

Dark storm.
jawhagan’s excellent photo of Beast Machines Jetstorm, one of the finest Deluxe-sized Transformers ever produced.

Port80’s classy gallery of the Bandai Master Grade Kampfer model from the Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket OVA.

Bio Pheyden vs Shadow Villser.
Two Onell Designs creations go toe-to-toe with a third entering the fray.

Got a cool toy-related link? Send smoke signals!