Toy links

Transformers Ironhide. [via]
A G1-inspired kitbash by ruffledsubstratum based on the Voyager Rescue Ratchet figure.

Transformer Cyclonus.
This kitbash by Viagra Prime includes a Nightstick Targetmaster and is based on an Energon Stormjet.

Transformers Wreckage repaint.
More: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. A classy paintjob by pairadocs and fantastic photography to show it off. (Here’s the original figure for comparison.)

Oh, how cu- … AAAH.
A scary Busou Shinki custom by 4th.

The perils of kitbashing.
This is why people with low pain thresholds should leave kitbashing to others.